BLUE purchasing cialis SUNSHINE with director JEFF LIEBERMAN Live!
Jeff Lieberman | USA 1979 | 90min. | DigiBeta | VOA
With director JEFF LIEBERMAN in viagra 50 mg person!
Saturday, June 25th
at Blue Sunshine – 3660 St-Laurent, 3rd Flr.
Doors: 7:45pm
Film: 8:30pm
Tickets $15 ($25 combo ticket available that includes Lieberman’s Radioactive Movies! course the following day) Tickets available at
Was it the LSD – or has it really been a year since Blue Sunshine opened? To celebrate their 1-YEAR ANNIVERSARY as Montreal’s one & only psychotronic film centre, the folks at Blue Sunshine are incredibly proud to present the film that inspired their name: 1978’s BLUE SUNSHINE with director JEFF LIEBERMAN in attendance! Come see what happens when peace-loving baby-boomers who took too much acid in the 60’s pay the ultimate price – by losing their hair and turning into homicidal maniacs!