Movie Ink. presents
April 8-17, 2013
Palmdwarsstraat 40, 1015 HV, Amsterdam

This multimedia exhibit parallels the program at Amsterdam’s Imagine Filmfestival held this year at the EYE filmmuseum from April 8 to April levitra pills free sempal 17. We zoom in on the theme of the HOUSE OF PSYCHOTIC WOMEN inspired by Kier-La Janisse’s eponymous book.

For those who haven’t yet, buy it quickly, it is cheap and interesting and a fantastic guide to watch and re-watch classic and recent shockers, thrillers and dramas. Our count is now on 25 after The PERFUME OF THE LADY IN BLACK, CARRIE and DON’T DELIVER US FROM EVIL and we’re only at Chapter 6.

This exhibit is a bit of a challenge as the book is an “autobiographical exploration of female neurosis” and we at MOVIE INK. are more or less not female nor indeed Miss Janisse. We do have some issues though, issues that should lead to an engaging exhibit. We’ll make this expo a more covert operation after our last straight forward showcase-exhibit of LA DOLCE VITA, more an expose maybe than an exhibit. We try to order cialis online without prescription create the right atmosphere where cult afficionados, male and female feel right at home. To be true to our exploitation heroes we also feature a few gimmicks and contests. In any case there will be room for a SCREAMTEST and we’ll run a WHO ARE THESE WOMEN IN THE WINDOW?-contest of course complete with prices to be won. As we do like to display movie art buying generic cialis mexico rx we naturally have some niece pieces on display.

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A full description of the exhibit will be posted April 14th.

To get in the mood here are a few trailers:

Four Flies In Grey Velvet

The Blood Splattered Bride

MOVIE INK. is a gallery for movie-related arts. Primarily an exhibition space for movie posters, MOVIE INK. also likes to encourage young artists to exhibit their work.

At MOVIE INK. we like low-art and the ideas and energy that go with that. This means no thick protective glass and cabinets, but free space to exhibit and experiment.

MOVIE INK. is open Saturdays noon to 6 PM or by appointment. We organize events regularly and you can always drop by or make an appointment when in town.


About the author:

Kier-La Janisse

Kier-La Janisse is a film writer, publisher, producer, acquisitions executive for Severin Films and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Communication and Creative Arts at Deakin University. She is the author of Cockfight: A Fable of Failure (2024), House of Psychotic Women: An Autobiographical Topography of Female Neurosis in Horror and Exploitation Films (2012/2022) and A Violent Professional: The Films of Luciano Rossi (2007) and has been an editor on numerous books including Warped & Faded: Weird Wednesday and the Birth of the American Genre Film Archive (2021) and Satanic Panic: Pop-Cultural Paranoia in the 1980s (2015). She wrote, directed and produced the award-winning documentary Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror (2021), and produced the acclaimed blu-ray box sets All the Haunts Be Ours: A Compendium of Folk Horror (2021) and The Sensual World of Black Emanuelle (2023).


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